The Young Pretenders / Flip The Bird

(Credit Matt Bell. Thumbnail credit Matt Austin.)
Associate Artist 2019 | The Young Pretenders / Flip The Bird
/YoungPretenders | @FlipTheBird Theatre makers Lucy Hirst and Katherine Stevens lead two Exeter based theatre companies: The Young Pretenders and Flip The Bird. Established in January 2015, The Young Pretenders Theatre Company is a home-grown social enterprise that has developed into an award winning company. Built in collaboration with young company members, TYP strives to inspire young people in Devon to pursue a creative future through the teaching and creation of innovative and high quality youth arts opportunities in the South West. Known for their open and familial approach, TYP encourages a space where the company feel safe and supported but equally challenged to reach the best of their ability under the professional performer training on offer. Their second enterprise, Flip The Bird was created in 2017. Flip the Bird Theatre is a female empowerment theatre company, placing women at the centre of confrontational stories, and encouraging young women to reflect, share, and prosper through the open exploration of the complexities of female relationships. Find out more about our Associate Artist scheme here >>