Get involved: Isolation Windows project

Published March 1, 2021

You are invited to get involved in Isolation Windows – a solo exhibition of painting by Bristol based artist Catherine Knight, coming to Exeter Phoenix later this year.

During the first national lockdown in March 2020, Catherine Knight began collecting, painting and sharing images of people's windows as seen from their locked-down, isolated environments. She collected images from around the globe, painting small gouache paintings from these photographs and sharing them on social media.

Ahead of Catherine's exhibition at Exeter Phoenix, we invite you to get involved in the Isolation Windows project. Anyone is invited to post a photograph of their own window (including the window frame) to their own Instagram, Twitter or Facebook feeds. Use the hashtag #myisolationwindow along with your first name and location. From these pictures, the artist will select and paint more images for inclusion in the project.

You can follow the project on Catherine's Instagram feed @catknightart.

We look forward to sharing more details of the exhibition with you in the not-too distant future!

Published Mon 1 Mar 2021