Freefall Youth Arts Group
Published October 24, 2018

Freefall is Exeter Phoenix’s youth arts group for young people aged between 13-16 years. The group aims to create a welcoming and safe space to socialize, share ideas and opinions and develop creative projects together. The group is led by experienced arts practitioners and all-round film, music and arts enthusiasts!
Working across a range of art forms and activities we aspire to encourage a lifelong enjoyment of the arts. Freefall sessions regularly dive into the rich mix of exhibitions, festivals and events here at Exeter Phoenix and we often take part in other cultural projects and events in the city. We also invite a variety of artists and creative specialists to work with the group on special projects.
Find out more about some of the projects the group have been working on by visiting or following the group on instagram here >>
If you are working towards your Arts Award, coming along to Freefall can help you gain material for your portfolio. Visit the Arts Award website for more details here >>
Places are bookable in 5-week (half-termly) blocks during term times on a PAY-WHAT-YOU-CAN* basis, equivalent to £10, £5 and £0 per session.
If you’re unsure of which level it is appropriate for you to contribute, there are some guidelines to consider below.
Once a place is booked, an online form will be sent to gather more details about the person attending Freefall, including any special interests, access needs or other important information.
If you want to discuss anything about whether Freefall is right for you or any issues booking a place, please contact .
Our “Pay What You Can” model has three payment levels equivalent to £10, £5 and £0 per session (£50, £25 and £0 per half term block). Even the highest payment option does not cover the full cost of delivering these sessions, but it will help support our fundraising efforts and help us to use our valuable charitable funds where they are most needed.
No proof of income or eligibility for the free or more heavily subsidised places will be required – we know that all families have different situations, obligations and priorities and we trust you to choose what is right and affordable for you.
For 14 years, Exeter Phoenix has been committed to delivering Freefall as a means of ensuring that all young people, regardless of the financial and social barriers that they may face, are able to access high quality creative activities and release their potential. However rising costs and reductions in the numbers of funders able to continue supporting this long-term work have made meeting the costs of this increasingly difficult and, as things are, we do not have sufficient support in place to be able to continue delivering this project in this way.
Pay What You Can is a change to the way we deliver Freefall; continuing our fundraising efforts to ensure that it is still free for those who need it to be, but enabling those who can afford to contribute to do so in order for the project to survive.
If you would like to make a one off or recurring donation to support our work, please use the Donate Now button at the bottom of the page.
Pay What You Can guidelines:
A person/family paying £0 per session may:
- Receive free school meals, or have done so in recent years
- Be, or have previously been, looked after by the local authority
- Experience stress about meeting basic needs* and not always achieve them
- Rent lower-end properties (including housing association) or have unstable housing
- Qualify for government and/or voluntary assistance, such as foodbanks and benefits
- Have no access to savings and very limited expendable income**
- Be unemployed/underemployed
- Be unable to afford a holiday or to take time off without financial burden
A person/family paying £5 per session may:
- Experience some stress about meeting basic needs* but still regularly achieve them
- Have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs
- Be employed
- Have access to limited savings and some expendable income**
- Be able to take a holiday annually or every few years without financial burden
A person/family paying £10 per session may:
- Be comfortably able to meet all basic needs
- Own a home or rent a higher end property
- Be employed
- Have access to savings
- Have an expendable income**
- Be able to afford an annual holiday or to take time off
*BASIC NEEDS include food, housing, clothing and transportation.
**EXPENDABLE INCOME might mean you are able to buy coffee or tea at a shop, go to the cinema or a concert, buy new clothes, books and similar items each month, etc.
These guidelines have been inspired by those issued by Matchbox Cineclub and Scottish Queer International Film Festival.