Freefall +
Published February 1, 2023

Thank you for your interest in joining Freefall+ Youth Arts Group.
Freefall+ (formed in 2018) is one of the ways Exeter Phoenix aims to support young people who have a physical and learning disabilities, are no longer in education, and have complex support needs. The group meets regularly, offering an inclusive space to come together to explore the arts, to create and to access the networks of support that Exeter Phoenix facilitates through its role as a creative hub in the city.
This is a dynamic offer which is constantly evolving to support a diverse spectrum of need and ambition. from workshops that explore the tactility of materials to individually tailored sessions that support those who have emerging creative practices.
We work in partnership with The Pelican Project CIC, an Exeter based collective of artists, teachers, carers, families and students. The group collaborates with other arts organisations in Exeter as well as artists, designers and film makers to contribute to the creative output of Exeter Phoenix, recently this has included exhibitions, zines and public events.
The group is led by George Barron and Charlie Robinson.
Working across a range of artforms and activities Freefall+ sessions regularly explore ideas and events that connect with the wider programme of exhibitions, festivals and performances at Exeter Phoenix. We invite and commission artists and creative practitioners to work with the group and often take part in projects that are happening outside Exeter Phoenix across the city.
If you are interested in joining Freefall+ head over to The Pelican Project where you can sign up to become a Pelican.