Freefall+ Creative Collaborations
Published March 20, 2024

Each year Two Short Nights, our annual film festival at Exeter Phoenix, invites a handful of individuals to collaborate with the festival by submitting a piece of work in relation to the programme.
Contributions can be anything from a review to illustrations, podcasts to video essays. These responses are shared in the lead up to the festival to celebrate fresh ways to share alternative perspectives and new connections to the filmmakers we are platforming.
The final collaborators are Freefall+ and The Pelican Project, who watched some of the animated films from the festival and made phrases in response. Using Lego to create prints and letterpress they then created designs from the written responses.
Freefall+ (formed in 2018) is one of the ways Exeter Phoenix aims to support young people who have a physical and learning disabilities, are no longer in education, and have complex support needs. The group meets regularly, offering an inclusive space to come together to explore the arts, to create and to access the networks of support that Exeter Phoenix facilitates through its role as a creative hub in the city. Freefall+ works in partnership with The Pelican Project CIC, an Exeter based collective of artists, teachers, carers, families and students. The group collaborates with other arts organisations in Exeter as well as artists, designers and film makers to contribute to the creative output of Exeter Phoenix, recently this has included exhibitions, zines and public events.