Green Phoenix

Paving a greener and more sustainable future for the arts in Exeter is one of our core aims. It is Exeter Phoenix's ambition to achieve carbon neutrality. We already have a reputation for our work towards environmental sustainability, and plan to build on this through continued research, adapting behaviour and structural and systemic changes.
To this end, we launched our Green Phoenix Project in 2021. As well as making adaptations to our historic building, including the introduction of solar panels, LED lighting and our current project to install secondary glazing, we are also considering the impact of our people, activities and systems, and have partnered with a range of organisations including Music Declares Emergency and the Low Carbon Devon Project at the University of Plymouth to support and guide our efforts.
We regularly programme events and performances that address and consider environmental sustainability. An overview of upcoming events can be found with the 'Green Phoenix' tag here >>
Key achievements
- Over 130,000KWh of electricity generated by solar panels to March 2023
- £15,477 raised to install secondary glazing on 40 large, original, single-glazed and metal-framed windows
- 2022-23 saw our lowest year for electricity consumption on record (with the exception of 2020-21 which was impacted by the pandemic)
- All internal lighting upgraded to LED, including introduction of cutting-edge low-energy stage lighting for live performance events
- The installation of a water fountain for customers
- The introduction of an ethical pension scheme option for staff
- Green Champion appointed and reporting back regularly to Board of Trustees to drive forward change and hold the organisation accountable
- Carbon Literacy training has been provided for key staff to ensure that we can monitor and track the impact of our work

Plans for the Future
- Reduce water consumption and enhance bio diversity by introducing rainwater harvesting and a living wall (retro-fitting a building with a living wall can reduce the amount of heat loss by more than 30% - Reference)
- Install a voltage optimiser which will reduce electricity consumption by 15%
- Join the PaperCircle scheme to recycle our paper hand towels
- Phase out the use of takeaway coffee cups in our café
- Create specific Green Phoenix signage around the building to encourage sustainable choices from customers and staff