Weight Neutral Nutriri: Intuitive Eating and Emotional Eating Hypnotherapy taster
Sun 21 May 2023
Free - Click 'Book Now' to sign Up for a Wristband
4pm - 6pm
Are you tired of paying to stand on scales at slimming clubs? Feeling restricted by rigid food rules? Perhaps you’ve heard of body positivity and can’t get your head around ‘just love yourself’ quotes or was wondering what intuitive eating is.
Well, finding your version of food and body ease might be easier with Nutriri, a Devon based social enterprise and weight neutral pioneer. The usual suggested fix of subscribing to diet culture and creating calorie deficits, as many know, is mostly a temporary solution – with restriction diets resulting in weight rebound 95% of the time. By removing ‘weight change’ as a focus and advocating health promotion with an intuitive eating and movement for joy practice we create a more accessible, inclusive and sustainable approach to food and movement.
Come and see us at Bloom in Studio 2. A guided hypnotherapy session about emotional eating is included for those who are not contraindicated.
In 2015 after decades of yo-yo-ing her body weight through restriction, atypical anorexia and undernourishment, Helen James decided she’d had enough of subscribing to weight change culture and set about creating a compassionate replacement for weekly weigh-in groups. So Nutriri was born. Nutriri is a local social enterprise working to improve social prescribing, access to health, food and movement without a weight focus. We’ve spoken to parliament about Body Image and Weight Discrimination and most recently received some funding from Devon Mental Health Alliance’s innovation fund to run our own digital community platform to improve access to what we do: www.nutriri.org
Proudly presented as part of Bloom – A day of community activity in support of mental health and wellness., 21 May ’23
How to join in!
*Please note capacity is limited.