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(re)moving shame yoga & art workshop with The Wellcome Centre

Sun 21 May 2023



Free - Sign Up for a Wristband


4:30pm - 6pm

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(re)moving shame yoga & art workshop with The Wellcome Centre

In this workshop we will together explore how gentle yoga and creative practices can help us to (re)move shame in our bodies and lives.

Gemma will first explain how she uses yoga and art in her research on shame. Then Gemma and Chloe will guide you through gentle yoga practices and collaging/zine-making activities and we will together reflect on our own personal experiences of shame.

Please wear comfortable clothes you can move in.

Due to the small capacity of this event, we ask that you please sign up in advance for a free place if you would like to attend. Matts are provided.

Sign Up Here >>>>>


Wellcome Centre for the Cultures and Environments of Health is a transdisciplinary research centre based at the University of Exeter. Together, members of the Centre explore how experiences of health, illness and medical knowledge are shaped by cultural practices and beliefs, and investigate how evidence from the humanities and social sciences can be used to help to develop and evaluate innovative and effective public health initiatives.
Committed to engaged research that enables health and well-being, our projects have brought researchers, public partners, and health organisations together to address key health challenges, including: the health impacts of loneliness and social isolation; the value of different forms of evidence in health policy; the impact of relationships on children’s health; and community access to – and involvement in – research and data governance.

Gemma Lucas is a yoga teacher and researcher at the University of Exeter who uses gentle yoga and art practices to explore how shame is an under-acknowledged factor in our mental health.

Chloe Asker is an Arts and Health practitioner focused on developing mindful, embodied, feminist and gentle approaches to research.


Proudly presented as part of Bloom – A day of community activity in support of mental health and wellness., 21 May ’23

Full Programme

How to join in! 

  1. Click Book Now to let us know you’re coming
  2. Swap your digital ticket for a wristband to access activity on the day
  3. Sign Up for events on the day via the sign-up sheet at the Welcome Desk, or just drop in!*

*Please note capacity is limited. 


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