Mark Thomas’ Bravo Figaro! + Q&A
Front Room Phoenix
Thu 14 May 2020
Thu 14 May 2020
Exeter Phoenix may be temporarily closed, but were not going to let that get in the way of bringing arts and culture to Exeter. Welcome to Front Room Phoenix our way of beaming online creative activity straight to your sofa! Through Front Room Phoenix we will be sharing information about our selection of virtual events we think youll love.
Here’s a very special lockdown event. On Thu 14 May, Mark Thomas will introduce his show Bravo Figaro! and then we will all watch the show together. Mark will then be online to answer any questions you might have, live from his house.
Tickets are £5 each, and 20% of your ticket purchase will go to Exeter Phoenix. Buy a ticket here and you will receive a special link by email which will reserve your place at the show.
As a teenager working on his dad’s building sites, Mark used to cringe when he blasted opera out to the workers. Now he’s written a show about him in all his grumpy glory. In the performance I say this is not a show about love, well it turns out I was wrong.
This a very challenging time for Exeter Phoenix, with our building currently closed and events temporarily postponed. Your support during this time really does mean the world to us. We also want to thank Mark Thomas, who is donating 20% of your ticket purchase for this event to Exeter Phoenix. You can find out more how to support Exeter Phoenix at this time here >>