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Heavenly Art: Holy Poverty and Artistic Magnificence

Wed 05 Oct 2022



Annual membership: £49 | Single talk: £7



Heavenly Art: Holy Poverty and Artistic Magnificence

The Art of Assisi, Talk by The Right Revd Dr Christopher Herbert

In the twelfth century a hot-headed but saintly man, Francis of Assisi founded a religious order dedicated to poverty. Within a year of his death, plans were laid to create one of the loveliest churches in Christendom, the Basilica at Assisi where artists such as Cimabue and Giotto were commissioned to create frescoes of unparalleled beauty.  This lecture traces the story of Francis’ life and, by exploring the work of artists, tries to explain how a movement dedicated to simplicity of life led to such an outpouring of artistic magnificence.

The Right Revd Dr Christopher Herbert 

As an authority on Christian art and a former diocesan Bishop, Christopher Herbert has developed a range of talks and lectures which have been enthusiastically received by local, national and international audiences.  He has been guest lecturer at the National Gallery, Westminster Abbey and the Courtauld Institute.  Since retiring he has established himself as a sought-after lecturer in the field of art and spirituality.


This is an external hire – please contact The Arts Society Exeter through the details above for all booking queries

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