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Chevalier (12)

Fri 07 Jul 2023 - Thu 13 Jul 2023


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Rated 12 | For rating details see ∆ at bottom of page


£8* Standard | £5* Student / Under 25s


Various (See dates below)

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Chevalier (12)

Dir. Stephen Williams
2022 | 107 mins | US
French with English subtitles
Kelvin Harrison Jr., Samara Weaving, Lucy Boynton


  • Fri 07 Jul: 6pm
  • Sun 09 Jul: 8.15pm
  • Mon 10 Jul: 2pm
  • Tue 11 Jul: 10.45am
  • Wed 12 Jul: 5.30pm
  • Thu 13 Jul: 5.45pm

Kelvin Harrison Jr plays the Caribbean-born maestro, once declared ‘the most accomplished man in Europe’, in this period drama inspired by true events, who takes on Mozart in a duel-by-violin.

Composer Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-Georges was born as the illegitimate son of an African slave and a French plantation owner. Through his talent Bologne rises to improbable heights in French society as a celebrated violinist-composer and fencer and brushes shoulders with the most elite characters of 18th centuary Paris, complete with an ill-fated love affair and a falling out with Marie Antoinette (Lucy Boynton) and her court.

Chevalier is enchanting as it retrieves an extraordinary Black life from historical obscurity and deems it biopic-worthy.

BBFC Rating Details:

Racism, moderate violence, threat, sex references, brief strong language


*Subject to a £1.50 ticketing system charge. We don’t charge this to make a profit. Find out more >>

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