Culture, Data, Projector
Published July 27, 2015

Culture, Data, Projector
Exeter Phoenix is excited to be supporting Culture, Data, Projector – Fabian’s Film’s latest film project exploring themes of culture, identity, the environment and sport inspired by each of the five nations taking part in the Rugby World Cup events in Exeter, September 2015 (Tonga, Namibia, Georgia, Italy & Romania).
With support from Met Office scientists, Exeter Phoenix Creative Hub Associate Artists David Salas and Amanda Whittington are two of the five artists/teams commissioned to create a series of documentary films which use data as part of their narrative.
The artistic team also consists of Emma George, Catherine Cartwright & Kate Sprake & Toby De Burgh bringing a range of disciplines to the table in the practice of moving image. (below, from left).
An integral part of this collaborative project has been the provision of seminar events to allow the artists to engage with the concepts of culture, data, identity and nation in preparation for the idea development of their films. These events, held at Spacex Exeter and Exeter College succeeded in inspiring the artists creative processes and they are now exploring innovative ways to combine scientific and creative disciplines. Susan Hayward presented “What is Culture, What is Film” exploring issues of representation, othering and perceptions of nation and identity. Dr Sarah Cook, a curator of contemporary art, writer and new media art historian visited from the University of Dundee to demonstrate how a range of visual artists have approached moving image installations using scientific data.
In their films the artists are representing one or each of the five nations using animated, poetic or expository documentary forms and are engaging with local Italian, Georgian, Namibian, Tongan and Romanian communities. Working with cinematographer Chris Jones and editor Joshua Gaunt, the artists will create their films for exhibition at internal and external venues across Exeter during the Rugby World Cup season from 18th September 2015.
The project is supported using public funding by Arts Council England and also has funding support from Exeter City Council, who are leading the Rugby World Cup events in Exeter in Autumn, including the Fanzone that will host sport, music and film entertainment in Northernhay Gardens during the Rugby World Cup. Support has also been provided from the Met Office (Exeter), Exeter College, the Open Data Institute and Exeter Phoenix.
Fabian’s Film is a Community Interest Company based in Exeter. Their mission is to make films which reflect the culturally diverse landscape of the British Isles; a form of Transnational British Film. For more information about Fabian’s Film or updates on the Culture, Data, Projector project visit the website, Facebook, and follow them on Twitter @FabiansFilm.