Upcoming Accessible Theatre Performances
Published October 23, 2015

Relaxed Performances
A relaxed performance is the opposite of the Quiet Carriage on a train…
Do you have a family member who makes involuntary noise, is likely to talk a lot, needs to move around, or gets disturbed by sudden loud noises? This might include someone with an Autistic Spectrum Condition, sensory or communication disorder or learning disability.
If so, your family might enjoy seeing theatre in a more informal environment. At relaxed performances, families are welcome to leave and re-enter the theatre as necessary and there will be a quiet place to go if you need one.
Upcoming Relaxed Performances:
We know things don’t always go to plan on the day, so we’ve set up an offer designed to take the pressure off. Book in advance and we’ll refund you the cost of your tickets if you can’t make the show on the day, or are unable to stay for the performance. Our only condition is that you ring us before the start of the performance if you can’t make it.
Please contact Anna-Ruth at annaruth.peelcusson@exeterphoenix.org.uk or phone 01392 667080 if you have specific requirements. Details of access and how to get to Exeter Phoenix can be found here >>
BSL Interpreted Performances
We will also have BSL interpreted performances of both Olive And The Dream Train and The King With Donkeys Ears, and are offering all families with deaf members one free ticket. We are also running an early bird offer for our BSL interpreted performance of Olive And The Dream Train. Book by Fri 16 Oct and we’ll give you two free tickets.
All other tickets are a special price of £6 for Deaf family members.
To book your tickets please email annaruth.peelcusson@exeterphoenix.org.uk Please let Anna-Ruth know if you have specific requirements about where you need to sit.