Six New Films To Be Made With Help From Our Commission Schemes
Published April 19, 2017

Screen shot from 2016 commissioned film The Search Party
Exeter Phoenix 2017 Commissions Announced
This week we are delighted to announce the winners of our 2017 film commissions. Over the last three months, ideas for new short films and artist moving image work have been streaming in from all over the South West. The final six filmmakers have now been selected by a panel of industry experts to receive a share of over £10,000 worth of support from Exeter Phoenix and make their ideas a reality.
The winning concepts include surrealist comedies, dramatic portraits of human endeavour and mental health, innovative animation, and artist moving image work exploring hybrid bodies
Owain Astles – The Hardest Fight of my Life
Charlie Coldfield – Ghost Note
Steve Whittingham – Totem
Scott Stevens – A Friend in Me
Jimmy Swindells – The Aisle
Isobel Adderley – W E F E W
Find out more about the films here >>
The selected filmmakers reflect a dynamic emerging filmmaking scene based in Exeter and further afield, each are looking to develop their careers and present new work for international festival entry. Many of Exeter Phoenix’s previous commission winners have gone on to win awards and gain recognition within the industry, with some developing feature length work, putting Exeter on the map.
Alix Taylor, Digital Co-ordinator at Exeter Phoenix says ‘Year-on-year we receive an increasingly high standard of applications for our film and artists moving image commissions, it was a difficult decision, but we are very excited to be working with our selected filmmakers and artist. We will be working with them over the next 7-8 months to develop their ideas and continue to support the flourishing filmmaking and artistic scene here in Exeter.’
Each selected filmmaker will complete their film over the course of the year, with the process culminating in a special preview screening which will take place at Exeter Phoenix’s Two Short Nights Film Festival in December this year. Alongside representatives from the film industry, film fans and those curious to preview emerging talent will be able to purchase tickets for the festival from September.