Exhibition Call Out – Creative Youth Network
Published September 6, 2019

Creative Youth Network, Exeter Phoenix and Somerset Arts Works are looking for 3 visual artists aged 16 – 25, ideally one from each city / area to exhibit work over three months – a month in each place – from January – April 2020.
This is an opportunity for emerging young artists to exhibit work and tour it across the South West region. It’ll help develop networks and professional relationships with curators and programmes from the South West and show work to a regional audience.
Other support provided
As well as exhibiting your work across the region and developing your networks, this opportunity will promote you as an artists’ in the region and market your work. Creative Youth Network can support you in pricing your work, enabling you to sell it through the exhibitions and learn about negotiating a percentage with the galleries. You’ll be given travel expenses to visit and meet with all of the galleries / organisations and meet with the other artists exhibiting.
Criteria to apply
- You must be aged 16 – 25 and live in either Bristol, Somerset or Exeter
- You must have existing work or be willing to make new work with the resources that you have (there’s no commission new work)
- Your work must be ready and available from the end of December until the end of March 2020 for exhibition
- You must be willing for your work to be transported and exhibited in three different galleries
- Your work must be suitable for galleries that exhibit 2D work – installations and sculptures are welcomed but will be decided on depending on the spaces available – see below images of the gallery spaces and use the information provided to judge whether your work is suitable
Applications are encouraged from
- artists of colour
- those struggling, and / or facing barriers to developing professional practice
- those not in education, employment or training.
How to apply
Applications are welcomed in multiple formats but must include: a short statement / introduction to who you are, tell us why you’re applying, and provide examples of your work. Feel free to send your application in written form, film or audio recording depending on what you’re comfortable with. The deadline for application is the 4th October 2019. Please send your application via email to Emily.bull@creativeyouthnetwork.org.uk