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Scrapper (12A)

Fri 08 Sep 2023 - Thu 14 Sep 2023


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Rated 12A


£8* Standard | £5* Student / Under 25s


Various (See dates below)

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Scrapper (12A)

Dir. Charlotte Regan
2023 | 84 mins | UK
Lola Campbell, Alin Uzun, Cary Crankson


  • Fri 08 Sep: 5.50pm
  • Sat 09 Sep: 5.50pm*
  • Sun 10 Sep: 5.50pm
  • Mon 11 Sep: 5.50pm
  • Tue 12 Sep: 10.45am | 8.30pm*
  • Thu 14 Sep: 4.20pm | 9pm

Films with * will play with Descriptive Subtitles.

Audio Described headsets available from Box Office at all screenings.

Find out more about access here >>

SCRAPPER is the incredible debut feature from Charlotte Regan with outstanding performances from new comer Lola Campbell.

It’s said that it takes a village to raise a child but 12 year-old Georgie has other ideas. Living alone since her beloved mum died, Georgie is the definition of independent as she keeps the house shipshape, sources and income and finds ways to dodge unwanted attention from social services. When Jason, Georgie’s absent father turns up out of the blue, she’s forced to confront reality and consider a collaborative future.

Witty, original and unmissable SCRAPPER brings a bold, new wave of British cinema to Studio 74 and delivers a tale of girlhood, family and fresh starts.


Directed by a woman, written by a woman and starring a significant woman.

F-Rating is a new rating for films directed by women, written by women and/or with significant female characters on screen, in their own right. Find out more here >>

BBFC Rating Details:

Rude gesture, brief moderate violence


*Subject to a £1.50 ticketing system charge. We don’t charge this to make a profit. Find out more >>

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