Rebel Without A Cause (PG)
Fri 30 Oct 2015
An innovative season of film events, documentaries, shorts and artists films to test ethical and physical boundaries and reveal astonishing stories of achievement.
1955, USA, 111mins, dir. Nicholas Ray
No film season about crossing boundaries would be complete without this.
James Dean returns to the big screen as everyones favourite troublemaker in this spectacular digital restoration of a rebellious classic.
Jim Stark (Dean) is the newcomer in town with a shady past. Not afraid to shirk authority, he puts lives on the line to impress in status driven, 1950s L.A.
Released just one month after his death, this film immortalised James Dean and captured the restless alienated defiance of 1950s American middle class youth culture.
James Dean fan? Catch new release Life, based on Deans friendship with photographer Dennis Stock, at Studio 74 this November.