Paradise: Love (18)
Alien Nation
Wed 07 Dec 2016
Fabian’s Film presents a season of eight films exploring five subcultural themes: age, class, race, gender and disability. Though each film illustrates themes considered specific to a certain group, their narratives pinpoint the connections to issues which, as a society we can all identify.
Dir. Ulrich Seidl, Austria, 120 mins, 2012, subtitled
Teresa, a 50-year-old Austrian hausfrau, travels to the beaches of Kenya as a sex tourist or Sugar Mama. There, she moves from one Beach Boy to the next, buying their love only to be disappointed and quickly learning that there, love is strictly a business. With his very unique brand of realism, socio-political critique and warped humour, Ulrich Seidl deals with the market value of sexuality, older women and young men, the power of skin colour, Europe and Africa, and the exploited, who have no choice but to exploit others.
Love is the opener in the Paradise Trilogy about three women in one family who take separate vacations, longing to find happiness in contemporary society.