Panorama – International Shorts 1
Thu 12 Dec 2013
£4 (£3)
Two Short Nights presents International Shorts Screening
Showcasing the first set in a trilogy of selected short films from this years Open Screening submissions. From the waters of Great Britain to the mountains of Bavaria this international screening will take you on a journey across the many different landscapes the world has to offer from a variety of perspectives.
Some films may not be suitable for a younger audience. Prebooking is strongly advised for this screening. Order of occurrence may change.
Dir. Matthias Koßmehl. Germany. 2012.
In the Bavarian mountains the border was closed to prevent illegal immigration. One evening an unexpected encounter takes place at the border control, which drives clumsy Bernie to resort to unconventional means.
Dir. Tony Hill, UK. 2013. 01 14
Sea is a meditation on the constancy of the rhythms and ever-changing movement of the sea as waves break on the shore at different locations in Cornwall. It is a hypnotic new perspective on a timeless manifestation of the forces of nature.
Dir. Alicja Rymarowicz, UK. 2013. 09 42
The Lost Song explores the process and inspirations of British artist Steve McPherson, who creates artwork out of plastic found on the beaches of South East Kent coast.
Dir. Simon Mullen. UK. 2012. 01 00
Life is complicated. Sometimes its a battle just to locate your towel.
Dir. Gemma Atkinson & Fred Grace, UK. 2013. 09 47
In 1989, the Kogi tribe of Colombia, opened their doors to a BBC documentary film crew. Their intention was to send us a warning, that if we continued to live our lives the way we do, the destruction of the planet would be assured.
25 years later, Shooting the Tribe takes us back into the jungle of the Sierra Nevada, to understand why it is they, not us, whose way of life has changed.
Dir. David Del Aguila, Spain. 2012. 13 37
Jacobo must to take the most difficult decision of his life.
Dir. Joe McGowan, UK. 2012. 02 20
Frank awakes in the midst of a haunting yet familiar situation. Can a single choice help save his sanity, but more importantly his freedom?
Dir. Alsisi Telengut. Canada. 2013. 04 21
A profound human-animal and human-nature relationship is represented by a painted world filled with a camels emotion and tears. Animation based on a real Mongolian nomadic story narrated by the directors grandmother.
Dir. Yousef Jafary. Iran. 2011. 03 00
Gizzz is an experimental short film about an old man.
Dir. Santiago Parres. Spain. 2013. 08 20
Nobody understood the prophets when talked about them. They are unshakeable witnesses of full moon and destruction, of arts and tides. They know our past glories and our present miseries. They behold us and stay hidden in the crowd most of the time. They are intangible, and nevertheless they look so real.