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NCS Fundraiser Fun Day

Fri 19 Jul 2013



    Free Entry


    11am - 2pm

    NCS Fundraiser Fun Day


    NCS Fundraiser Fun Day for the Devon Air Ambulance Trust

    Come along to our Fun Day, there will be a cake sale, face painting, funfair games like pop the balloon and treasure island, a beauty section with hair and nails stalls and much more. so have some fun and lets raise some money for the Devon Air Ambulance.

    About NCS

    Exeter Phoenix are working together with the National Citizen Service (NCS) to help inspire young people towards community engagement.

    NCS is a flagship government initiative available to 16/17yr olds to; promote a more cohesive society through social mixing, a more responsible society by supporting the transition to adulthood for young people and a more engaged society, by enabling young people to work together to create social action projects in their local communities, inspiring them towards a lifetime of ongoing engagement and action. The programme runs for four weeks in which the young people spend time developing their individual and team skills as well as learning about the community they live in, so that they can carry out a social action project that will make a difference. We believe that young people can make a difference if only give the tools and the opportunity.

    For the past couple of years here in Devon, Community Action South West has run NCS. Community Action South West is a local charity that focuses on four main areas of work: alternative education, health and well being, youth and community work, in addition to running an outdoor activity center on Dartmoor.

    Our team has come a long way and we are reaching the end of our project. This is why for our social action project we have chosen to hold a fundraiser for the Devon Air Ambulance Trust on Friday the 19th of July from 11am to 2pm.

    The Devon Air Ambulance Trust is the charity that raises the funds to keep 2 emergency Air Ambulances flying. This is no small feat as each and every year they have to raise in the region of £4.5 million to keep both of the helicopters airborne. We believe that the Air Ambulance is an invaluable service that saves hundreds of lives every year, and most importantly its available to all. What’s more is that the Devon Air Ambulance receives absolutely no funding by the government, that’s why we feel it’s our responsibility as a community, to pull together to help support this service.

    The Fun Day

    Here’s a guide to some of what you can expect on the day:

    Treasure Island game: £1 a goNail Salon: £2 each
    Hair Braids: £4 each
    Bake Sale: £1 per cake
    Raffle: £1 for a strip of tickets
    Pop the Balloon game: 4 goes for £2
    Facepainting: £1.50 each
    Guess The Sweets game: £1 a go


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