Hunting Killers
Sun 12 Feb 2023
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15+ | U16s accompanied by adults
Britain’s top crime investigator criminologist Mark Williams-Thomas is a multi-award winning TV investigative reporter and former Police detective – the talk will leave you fascinated and enthralled as Mark gives you a unique insight into the lives of killers.
Britain’s Top Crime Investigator Criminologist Mark Williams-Thomas is a multi-award-winning TV Investigative Reporter & Former Police Detective. Mark is a regular on television with his crime series on ITV and Netflix as well as a morning magazine crime strand and a best-selling author with Hunting Killers. Mark is going to share his vast experience of investigating some of the most notorious cases and killers – in what promises to be a truly eye-opening and entertaining talk. He will take you on a personal journey to discuss the mind of a murderer, human fascination with killers and the cold-blooded cases which haunt him the most from around the world
“On any given day, in any given year, there will be two active serial killers in the UK.”
He will talk about the offending of serial killers and where it all started and explore deeply into the mind of some of the most notorious serial killers he has investigated.
This talk will leave you fascinated and enthralled as Mark gives you a unique insight into the lives of killers.
This is an external hire