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Full Time (12)

Mon 03 Jul 2023 - Thu 06 Jul 2023


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Rated 12A | For rating details see ∆ below trailer


£8* Standard | £5* Student / Under 25s


Various (See dates below)

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Full Time (12)

Dir. Eric Gravel
2023 | 88 mins | France
French with English subtitles
Laure Calamy, Anne Suarez, Geneviève Mnich


  • Mon 03 Jul: 8.30pm
  • Tue 04 Jul: 5.50pm
  • Thu 06 Jul: 5.50pm

Laure Calamy (Call My Agent) stars in this acutely relatable and gripping thriller about modern life and the challenges of being torn between maternal and professional commitments.

Julie goes to great lengths to raise her two children in the countryside while keeping her job in a Parisian luxury hotel. With a piqued childminder, unreliable ex-husband and a demanding boss the fragile balance that Julie has established starts to hit tipping point. When she finally gets a job interview for a position she had long been hoping for, a national strike breaks out, paralysing the public transport system and every second of her week counts.

Relatable and meticulously observed FULL TIME presents motherhood and the everyday with immense charge and authenticity. It is an absolute must-see.

∆ BBFC Rating Details:

Infrequent strong language, brief sexual harassment.


F-Rating is a new rating for films directed by women, written by women and/or with significant female characters on screen, in their own right. Find out more here >>


*Subject to a £1.50 ticketing system charge. We don’t charge this to make a profit. Find out more >>

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