EXETER PRIDE + BLOOM: THE BEAT OF OUR HEARTS – Live event cinema screening
Sat 14 May 2022
£8* Standard | £5* Student / Under 25s
Dir. Scott Hurran
2021 | 90 mins | UK
We were always here
A constellation of hearts beating
All over the world
In an empty library, under a blanket of watchful stars, four friends come together after suffering a bitter loss – something precious has been taken from them. But the discovery of an old sepia photograph changes everything. A spark is rekindled and an idea blossoms that will shine a whole new light on the small LGBTQIA+ community in their quiet seaside town.
Join Valentine, Luca, Dove and Quill as they each share their own personal experiences of struggle and acceptance, friendship and isolation, despair and irrevocable hope.
A tender and poignant exploration of loneliness and belonging, The Beat of Our Hearts is a unique theatrical celebration of unheard voices and previously untold stories of LGBTQIA+ people, from South West-based playwright Natalie McGrath.
Written by Natalie McGrath. Developed in partnership with the University of Exeter’s Wellcome Centre and the Intercom Trust, and produced by Exeter Northcott Theatre, with support from the UK Research and Innovation’s Arts and Humanities Research Council and Arts Council England.
F-Rating is a new rating for films directed by women, written by women and/or with significant female characters on screen, in their own right. Find out more here >>