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Best of the Fest

Two Short Nights

Fri 17 Feb 2023


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16+ | Running time: 80 minutes


Individual Screening: £5* | Festival Pass: £25* (£20* Concession)



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Best of the Fest

Short on time and can’t make the whole festival? Check out this showcase of the films in consideration to win the Two Short Nights Best Film 2023 Award. 


Middle Watch 

Dir. John Stevenson, Aiesha Penwarden | 12 mins | UK 

Haunted and scarred by conflict and loss, a sailor must come to terms with the trauma of war and the mysteries of the deep, as he endures another shift in the small hours of the night on the Middle Watch. 



Dir. Joel Penner, Anna Sigrithur | 20 mins | Canada 

A stunning visual exploration of matter in various states of microbial transformation begs fundamental questions about human cultures’ complicated relationships with other species. But, the narrator asks, would rot by any other name still reek? 


I Am Good At Karate 

Dir. Jess Dadds | 11 mins | UK 

I AM GOOD AT KARATE follows a young teenager with mental health issues who is passionate about karate, wandering around a housing estate in East Kent locked in verbal and physical battles with a hallucinatory demon made of football shirts. 


Sweet Little Despair 

Dir. Carolina Petro | 15 mins | UK 

Lynsey juggles her life looking after the elderly at a nursing home and her six-month-old baby. The relentlessness of her routine blur the boundaries between work and personal life, merging her baby and her elderly patients into one and the same.



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*Subject to a £1.50 ticketing system charge. We don’t charge this to make a profit. Find out more >>

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