Two Short Nights Collaborations: A Poem From Akulah Agbami
Published February 17, 2021

This year, Two Short Nights Film Festival has had the privilege of working with a number of creative collaborators, including Akulah Agbami. Akulah Agbami is a poet, playwright, producer, and creative wonder woman. She is the Artistic Director of Sheba Soul Ensemble and FLY! A festival of black women's film.
Akulah has created this poetic piece in response to the juxtapositions and murmurs between the films included in the Shorts #3: Happy Families screening. The poem has been illustrated by Exeter Phoenix's designer Darren Shaddick.
Gronde Marmaille
Rain, rain, go away
Clouds come and go
And a grandmother slumbers
Children dance on hilltops
Imploring rain
squabble draw lines
on hilltops leading to tents
dance in rain
arms outstretched
to merge with the land
to conjure the power
in nature
in you
slick shots
lens outstretched
to conjure the power
in nature
to conjure the power
in view

a woman
framed and there
is no escape
from the pain
you watch them fall
try to stop them fall
they don't/can/t listen
at all
it was not this at the beginning

you remember stroking another
woman's hair
remember all that balled up
love awaiting release
you will always be there
be fretting and watching
washing and wondering
rules of the game
and she knows where she stands
two tower blocks
the granddaughter
wipes doors
finds things
finds essences and mysteries
almost vanished into
the plants all shrouded
then the call comes
you take away the mask put
on a smile
and point out new buds
the miracle
of life
of constant unexpected
even in the face of
amusement arcades
are devoid
of fun
suggesting loneliness
the dissatisfaction
in a plastic giant
ice cream
which never melts
naturally the
with one who has cast
you off
to fight her demons
just be thrust away
sea swirls
and swerves
and is
and all the wisdom
in the grandmother's summaries
of life which fails
to take account
of all you've lost and gained
a late night knock
a phone call recalling
the inevitability
of lock and key
a boxed up proof
of how you stand in love
it is a tide that never turns
the photo never lies
post partum
and sounds
the loss of all
the descent into
and chaos
and loss and recovery
and the beauty
of the call

De Berde
let out
of hell to another hell
to an endless hell
to smudges and the seagull's
smudge away distance
smudge away echoes
smudge away searching
the birds fly in flocks
and then return
they have no need
of permission

Winter Coat
is more than just a garment
more than just a remnant
it's a substitute
for days and nights
when there was no portal
for love no way in
a walk a pie a trip to
a charity shop
let me find a way
to keep you
we all pretend
wear masks
think about harming
one way or another
call out for love
empty promises
male remonstrances
as if an archbishop
could understand

there is only so much
anyone can take
make no mistake
having to pose for
the world babe draped
the drugs the drink
it was no this at the

All of the short films that inspired this creative writing are available to watch online from 18 - 26 Feb as part of Two Short Nights Shorts #3: Happy Families screening. Find out more at