Summer Solstice Gong Bath
Sun 02 Jul 2023
10am - 12pm
Sun 02 Jul 2023
10am - 12pm
Hosted by Exeter based business elkðer, founded by Arts Psychotherapists Lau and Becca Harp, this soul soothing workshop will include an hour-long gong bath whereby you will be invited to lay down, get cosy and immerse yourself in the complex sounds of the gongs. The various gongs and the accompanying instruments offer a range of vibrations and harmonics that can facilitate deep relaxation and altered states of consciousness (ASC). On a physical level the experience can lower blood pressure and cortisol levels in the blood which is linked to stress. In addition to the experience of sound healing, participants will be invited to use a variety of creative materials to explore their own personal intentions for the new Summer season and reflect on what this means for their unique journey. The aim of the workshop is: to encourage the softening of the ego state; to reduce stress and tension by offering an experience of deep grounding and emotional regulation; and to provide an anchor for delving into getting real with what you need from this time of year. Please bring with you something to lay on such as a yoga mat, a blanket or a cosy jumper and some socks to keep warm. Contact us directly at if you have any questions or queries.
This event is an external hire.