Natalie Bennett: System Change
Agile Rabbit
Thu 28 Feb 2019
Can our economic, social, and environmental systems work so that the most responsible choices we make are also the easiest, cheapest, and most obvious?
Often when we are faced with environmental or social problems, we find that changing our own actions can initially feel satisfying, but this can sometimes lead to a feeling that the difference we are making has little impact on the wider issues that we were aiming to resolve. Should we hold out hope for a cumulative effect, or do we need the wider mechanics of our society to alter to engender meaningful change? Or is waiting for society to change a way of absolving personal responsibility?
Natalie Bennett, former leader of the Green Party, explores these question in this Agile Rabbit talk, followed by questions and bar-room discussion and socialising.
Agile Rabbit is a platform that provides special events for the South-West and beyond to focus on ideas, global affairs and the natural and scientific world. The events are set in contrasting venues across the South-West to provide quirky experiences, whilst maximising participation for all communities.
Agile Rabbit is held in partnership with the Global Systems Institute at the University of Exeter.