Hellraiser (18)
30th Anniversary
Tue 31 Oct 2017
Dir. Clive Barker, UK, 94 mins, 1987
Thirty years ago, master of horror Clive Barker unleashed Hellraiser upon unsuspecting audiences. Considered one of the most significant horrors of all time it launched what has proven to be one of the genres most enduring franchises and creating an instant horror icon in the figure of Pinhead.
Kirsty Cotton (Ashley Laurence) comes head-to-head with the Cenobites demonic beings from another realm who are summoned by way of a mysterious puzzle box, intent on reclaiming the soul of her deviant Uncle Frank.
Coming at a time when the genre was degenerating into self-parody, Hellraiser offered a fiercely unique vision that approached horror with a far greater degree of seriousness than many of its contemporaries.