Summer Showcase
Sun 22 Jul 2018
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Running time: 50 mins
£7 or 3 shows for £15
This summer, join us for a special showcase of the finest theatre Exeter has to offer, including previews of shows heading for the Edinburgh Fringe.
Tickets are £7 or 3 shows for £15. Find the full line up here >>
Locked in his bathroom during a tragic third date, Willy Hudson asks: are you a top or a bottom?
Bottom is about bums, Beyoncé and burnt fish fingers.
Join Willy for a queer coming-of-age remix, as he questions if bottom in the bedroom means bottom in life – and whether Beyoncé can help put his love on top.
With a cracking soundtrack, Willys funny, honest and open-hearted storytelling yanks the lid off the queer experience.
This is for anyone who hates making the first move, who thinks they might be unlovable or has ever tried to be someone theyre not.
Developed with support from The Arts Council, The Bike Shed Theatre, Exeter Phoenix, Bristol Old Vic Ferment and Bryony Kimmings.
‘Willy Hudson writes, directs and stars in Bottom, a perfect example of the one man show. Its funny, observant, and is an ideal vehicle for its instantly lovable star.’ ?????