A Year in a Namibian Village
Intrepid Explorers
Thu 26 Apr 2018
free (ticketed)
Exeter Intrepid Explorers talks are in partnership with University of Exeter Global Systems Institute and are held on the last Thursday of each month. Have a drink and listen to some tales behind field research and expeditions.
Helen studied for her undergraduate degree in Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Manchester. After teaching in UK secondary schools for a decade, she decided to cross over into academic research and undertook an MA and PhD at the University of Exeter. She is an interdisciplinary researcher, specialising in the encounter between traditional world views and Christianity in Southern Africa. She has been visiting Owambo communities in Northern Namibia for 20 years.
Helen will tell tales and anecdotes from her year spent in a Namibian Village conducting anthropological research by discussiing interpretations of New Testament texts.
Helen lived in an Owambo homestead in the remote North of Namibia. She looked at the relationship between African Traditional Religion and Christianity.
As an inexperienced fieldwork researcher at the outset, Helen encountered many highs and lows and, despite her best efforts, was challenged by the circumstances on numerous occasions. Helen was welcomed into a wonderful host family and community.
Please note that this is a free event, but advance booking is recommended to avoid disappointment. Entry will only be permitted on the door if not all tickets have been booked and collected.