Made In Dagenham (15)
Uprising! Spirit of 68
Tue 28 Aug 2018
£7* | £5* under 25s
Showing times:
Dir. Nigel Cole, 110 mins, 2010, UK
A UK-wide programme of screenings and events exploring the cinema and the legacy of 1968 when decades worth of news took place in one year, from the Prague spring to the Paris riots, from the Tet Offensive to the killings of Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy. The UK saw student protests flare up on campuses across the country and rising tension in the wake of Enoch Powells Rivers of Blood speech, while in June a machinists strike at Dagenhams Ford plant heralded a burgeoning womens movement and paved the way for the Equal Pay Act.
Starring the award-winning Sally Hawkins (The Shape of Water) as Rita O’Grady who is the catalyst for the 1968 Ford Dagenham strike by 187 sewing machinists, which led to the advent of the Equal Pay Act. Working in extremely impoverished conditions for long arduous hours, which they must balance with their domestic lives, the women at the Ford Dagenham plant finally lose their patience when they are reclassified as “unskilled”. With humour, common sense and courage they take on their corporate paymasters, an increasingly belligerent local community, and finally the government itself.
Sally Hawkins is just plain irresistible in this funny, touching and vital salute to women in the work force.
???? Dagenham is as gratifying piece of people’s cinema as The Full Monty, with bigger balls and heart to spare.
???? Touching, funny and powerful.
All summer long, well be selling tickets for each screening for just £5. There will be a limited number of 20 £5 tickets available for every screening, so early booking is advised!