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uk fungus day film festival (12A)

Sat 08 Oct 2022


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uk fungus day film festival (12A)

Dir. various
Various | 40 mins
Various Languages, English subtitles


  • Sat 8 Oct: 4pm

This year to celebrate UK Fungus Day, the British Mycological Society have put together a compilation of short films to show in cinemas and online.
UK Fungus Day is a national event showcasing the amazing world of fungi through public forays, museum exhibitions, laboratory open days, online quizzes and competitions. We are thrilled to present for the first time a selection of short films that have been inspired by fungi and the science of fungi (mycology) highlighting the connections between us and the fungal kingdom.

Life as a Lobster
Emma Rose Browne and Andrea Kathleen Hendrickson

Life as a Lobster” features a mushroom who is amidst an existential identity crisis. She loves her forest home, but has always dreamed of joining her sea-faring family. Join an adventurous tale of a heroine who finds her true self in this coming-of-age mycological adventure!


Slippers of Venus – Sabot de Venus
Pascal Gaubert

This film highlights the Lady’s Slipper Orchid – Sabot de Venus – and its intimate association with plants, animals and fungi, allowing you to admire its beauty and understand the dependency on a fragile natural community (in French with subtitles).


Fly Amanita
David Fenster

The thoughts of an Amanita muscaria (also known as Fly Agaric or Fly Amanita) mushroom on his species’ relationship with humans.


Our Body is a Planet

Our Body is a Planet” is a short film that challenges the way we think of ourselves as individual genetically prescribed entities, independent from our surroundings. The symbiotic and pathogenic pathways of fungi challenge our animal imaginations and mechanistic modern systems of life, offering new possibilities of how we might learn to “live and die well together on a damaged planet.”


Fungos Sanitatem
Hamilton Pevec

Fungos Sanitatem” is a teaser for a feature length documentary that follows people on their healing journeys with medicinal mushrooms ranging from spinal cord injuries to brain tumours, A thought provoking look at the potential medicinal powers of the kingdom fungi.


The Boat
David Robinson & Bryan Michael Mills

A boat navigates a tumultuous sea of mushrooms in search of her lost sister ship – an endearing animation using sliced basidiomata!


*Booking Fees are waived for Free Events

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