Flow Dance Meditation

Sat 03 Aug 2024





10.30am - 11.30am

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Flow Dance Meditation

Explore meditation in a dynamic fun new way. We invite you to let our music & words guide you on a journey that can CONNECT you more deeply with yourself. MOVE & shift your energy, so you can RELEASE what isn’t serving you & find your own unique FLOW.

The class is an un-choreographed, free-moving meditation practice, which encourages self-expression and discovery. It allows you to explore and express how you feel through movement. You don’t have to learn any steps and there’s no pressure to perform, making it easier to relax, allowing the body and mind to get into a state of flow.

Wearing headphones to immerse yourself deeper, we use the music as a conduit to let the mind and body transcend into a state of bliss, using varied tempos, rhythms and melodic moods within the music to support the facilitators guidance and help you to connect to the river of energy flowing within you.

Wear comfortable clothing and bring some water, we will be dancing for 45 – 50 minutes. Email any questions to lauraflowdance@gmail.com. 18 spaces available.

See you on the dance floor!

This event is an external hire


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